Sunday, 21 January 2007


BEAN HERE. Phew, what a week that was. Glad that one's behind us. Exit date too close for the emotional rollercoaster and drama that we went through over the past 7 days. The Whites are made of fighting stuff - lesser mortals wouldn't have seen the light of day.

Weather in Scotland really getting me down. Hostile winds, rain, sleet - however it is perfect packing weather. Didn't know we could hoard such shit. 8 Sleeps left. Yippeee.

Responses to my leaving have been overwhelming - very kind words; sincere sentiments of past dealings and some very touching and complimentary wishes. Leaving party on Thursday 25th January - a Fizzy Tea - a la Bean. 25th January is famous for Alan White's birthday also someone called Robert Burns.

1 comment:

Ctelblog said...

Came across your blog by accident. Good luck with your move. And indeed with your kidneys. Cancer is such a pain.