Sunday 12 August 2007


The physical side of cancer is bad enough but coupled with the mental stress you don't need any more. The third factor is confusion. Spend some time reading the web pages on cancer and the you will be exhausted just by reading. There is this also this awful rivalry between so-called orthodox medicine and the 'unorthodox'. My learned and loyal friend, Les, in Majorca acts as a filter for me. He devours information, weeds out the crap, and advises on what he believes could be a winning direction. He has great faith in a cancer specialist (non-O) Bob Dowling in the U.S. who seems to be be getting results outwith the normal treatments of radio therapy and chemo. I am yet to be convinced but keep an open mind. Then there are the health food paths from Graviola to Sodi Bicarb plus a few hundred more. The O's seem to be so superior and dismissive on any course of treatment which is not recommended by the medical authorities - almost a form of anxious jealousy. En passant, most doctors would not accept Chemo for themselves - reassuring or what?
I'll return to this shortly

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